Monday, June 22, 2015

Week 46: John 10:5: Faithful

Devotional thought composed for TSA Devotional Book, June 2015. Presented to River Street Cafe, 15 April 2016 by Captain Michael Ramsay 

Read John 10:1-5

In the scriptures we have often been compared to sheep. In contemporary shepherding we are also comparable to sheepdogs. Shepherd Jared Epp showed us a number of ways at Beaver Creek Camp one summer:

* The sheepdogs know their master’s voice;
* The sheepdogs learn their master’s signals;
* The longer they serve the good shepherd the more they get to know him;
* The sheepdogs have a job to do;
* Their job is to herd the sheep to the shepherd;
* The nature of the sheepdogs is such that if they were left completely to their own devices they would quite likely kill the sheep;
* When they follow the shepherd not one sheep needs to be lost.

This is a lot like us as Christians. We are the Lord’s sheepdogs. We have been tasked with the great commission to proclaim the good news to the world so that whosoever will may be saved. If we try to do this on our own we will fail and some sheep will inevitably perish. However, as we turn our eyes and our ears toward Jesus – the Good Shepherd – as we listen to his direction and follow his lead, he will use us to bring the whole flock safely home to be with him. As this is the case it is my prayer that we will all be faithful sheepdogs.

Are you working for the Lord as a sheepdog works for the shepherd? How are the attributes of a sheepdog of salvation reflected in your life of serving the Lord?

[1] Based on the article by Captain Michael Ramsay, We are Sheepdogs.  Sheepspeak (August 24, 2009) On-line: